Frequently asked questions

On this page you will find a number of frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Feel free to contact us via [email protected] or use the attached contact form. We try to answer you as soon as possible.

1 Shipment
1.1 What are the shipping costs for my order?

You pay 4.95 euro for each order delivered in Belgium, regardless of the size of your order. You can also choose to pick up your order in our shop (Mechelsestraat 17, 3000 Leuven). Of course, this option is free.

2 Made-to-order
2.1 I'm looking for a personalized gift with butterflies/insects. The website doesn't quite offer what I'm looking for. Is it possible to choose what I want under frame or glass bell?

This is entirely possible! We have several kinds of butterflies and insects in our workshop. You are welcome to visit our shop. We look together at the composition and the choice of butterflies and insects you want.

2.2 Is it possible to place an order online?

You can send us photos so that we can get an idea of your order. To ensure that the final product meets your wishes, it is recommended to visit our shop.

3 Stuffed animals
3.1 Where do the animals you stuff come from? Do they die from natural causes?

Animals die from natural causes or die from a road accident. We work with firefighters, the zoo and farms. Insects are cultivated abroad

3.2 Do you organize taxidermy workshops to learn how to stuff animals?

At this time we do not offer taxidermy workshops, but we keep this idea in mind! We are considering offering a practical and affordable concept. Although it is not easy to organize, the drying of the animals takes time. To be continued…

4 Plants
4.1 How to take care of a plant?

We recommend the best seller ‘How not to kill your plants’ for the best care of your plants. The book is available online and in the shop under the section Curious Books.